Sunday, 17 April 2016

French Students at SEVAI (2)

Throughout the year, HUMAN TRIP INDIA organizes educational / participative tours for High schools / colleges students.

Thank you to Lycee Jean Zeller, Strasbourg, France for sharing their amazing experience!

"Des rencontres extraordinaires, des paysages uniques, des visites magnifiques, une culture magique, des nouvelles saveurs, un guide génial, 17 personnes incroyables, 2 semaines inoubliables : ce n'est qu'un tout petit résumé de l'indescriptible aventure que nous venons de vivre"

Friday, 11 September 2015

French Students at SEVAI

November 2014

Within its Fair Tourism ethic, Human Trip India uses to organizes especially educational / participative tours for High school / college students.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Sumathy and Mahadevi

Both employed for the last few years by SPEED Trust, Sumathy and Mahalakshmi underwent simultaneously the autorickshaw driving training set up in 2005 by the NGO.

Sumathy was regularly victim of domestic violence, beaten by her alcoholic husband (though she was pregnant) until she run away with her three kids in 2007. Unfortunately, her husband tracked her down and kidnapped Sumathy's elder son. With the help of local police, SPEED Trust got back the boy and the family remained under the custody of the organization. Since 2009, Sumathy is SPEED Trust's creche cook and beneficiary of the organization's family follow-up program. She just got her driving license, ready to fly with her own wings and taking care of her four children, all school students, the 2 youngest in English Medium.

Similarly, Mahalakshmi, 26, and mother of 3, joined SPEED Trust family follow-up program in 2012, hoping to escape from domestic violence. Employed as caretaker in SPEED Trust creche, she is now also an autorickshaw driver, expecting enough return thanks to this activity  to live independently and to look after her ward with pride.

You can support Sumathy and Mahalakshmi by financing their working tool (contact speedtrustindia.secretary @ and availing their service to visit Chennai: humantripindia.bookings @ or 9176197905.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Circuit Tamil Nadu Kerala, encore quelques places disponibles!

Bienvenue en Inde du Sud: du 21 Novembre au 04 Décembre 2014

 Plongez au coeur de l’Inde du Sud, hindouiste et émouvante, et découvrez deux de ses régions majeures où s'entremêlent patrimoine spirituel et histoire coloniale. A travers ce voyage inédit, nous voulons vous offrir une vision juste de l'Inde, loin des clichés habituels auxquels on la résume en Occident. Bien sûr, nous visiterons ses merveilleux édifices, mais nous nous efforcerons surtout de pénétrer sa culture, si fascinante et pourtant si difficile à cerner!
Notre objectif : Vous aider à comprendre l'Inde d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, son histoire, ses coutumes et le fonctionnement de la société actuelle.
Voyage de groupe garanti à partir de 10 personnes.
14 jours / 12 nuits

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Your comments are important to us!

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

at 15/12/2013 my colleague and i had a great ricksha tour with Ms. Mala. Ms. Mala did an excellent job. It was a great impression to see Chennai from this point of view. Thanks a lot for this. Greating to Ms. Mala.

Stefan Marke (Germany), 02/01/2014


Today, we had the pleasure to make a citi tour together with Mala who picked up at Trident Hotel and showed us interesting parts of the city and temples. I want to thank for the nice tour and wish your company success and the best for Mala. Greetings,

Andreas Stock (Germany), 15/12/2013


I send you some pictures. It was a real pleasant tour with kind people ! Thank you so much. Regards,
M. Gonthier (France), 08/02/2011

Ce fut une tres belle journee. Adhilakshmi conduit tres prudemment, est souriante, a le sens de l'humour, le courant est tres bien passé, nous ne pouvons que nous féliciter d'avoir tenté l'expérience.

Bien a vous et bonne continuation

Catherine Henck (France) - 22/01/2014


Je voulais vous dire que j'ai passé un super moment à Chennai, le fait d'avoir trouvé les personnes de l'an passé et de nouvelles rencontre :-)

Natacha Welmelinger (France) - 29/04/2014